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Job Displacement

AI job displacement is a highly talked about topic and fear. Many people worry that AI will replace people's jobs. There is some validity to that fear, though it is likely a little exaggerated.

The fact is, technology has increased rapidly many times over the past century. Every time new technology created automation and puts people's jobs at risk, there are just as many jobs that are created by new technology. It's often an issue of reskilling and adapting than it is about losing a job entirely. The only difference this time, is that it may be much more rapid and therefore more challenging to adapt. Though AI might make adapting much easier and place everyone in the same boat of needing to re-skill.

What to do

1) Adapt! Those who use and understand AI, will likely be those who keep their jobs or reskill to other jobs. Using AI will become a largely sought after skill by most companies. it is inevitable that companies will use it, and they will need to use AI to compete. Don't get left behind, adapt.

2) If AI helps you to automate your job, don't tell anyone about it in your job. That's right, keep it to yourself. he biggest issue we have in business is that it doesn't matter if you save a company more money by automating processes. They turn around and ask you to do it again and find more things to do. Or worse, see that you are no longer needed. We need to collectively get more compensation for our ability to automate our jobs. It may be one of the best things to slow down the coming AI wave from displacing our jobs. If we can do our job more effectively and efficiently using AI, then we should reap the rewards for doing so. We always talk about technology improving our lives through more efficiency, so we need to ensure that actually happens.

If you're being monitored at work, find a way to use AI without being monitored. Like use your cell phone. Of course you can't use AI with private information about your company, but be creative in ensuring you're not giving away important information to a cloud service.

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