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How to use AI

How to use AI

Currently, there are many ways to use AI. There are many applications and devices. We will introduce some here.

The best advice is to start small and just start! Test it out and think of ways to test the limits or boundaries of what it's capable of. Most technology is easiest to learn when you just start trying things, then understand the limitations and boundaries. AI is no different. Just get started and learn by trying and possibly failing in the process.

Some examples will be given later.

For work

If you're using AI for work, be careful about putting in proprietary data from your company.

Where to use AI

In Web browsers, Apps, Extensions and Plugins, APIs (for programmers), etc. In the future, there will likely be versions you can use offline and on your computer using your own data.

Types of AI

Chatbots (discussions with AI), search engines, assistants, text to images and images to text, voice to text and text to voice, etc. There are also machine learning AIs build into many devices. Chatbots will be increasingly added to devices as well.

Click here to see a large list of the types of AI and where to find them.

Chatbot use cases

Here are a few ways to use AI chatbots that are highly used:

There are endless use cases and will continue to grow as AI improves and flourishes.

Now that you see a lot of examples, can you think of any more that you could use for your own personal use case?


Use as a search engine

One of the best ways to get started, is try using it in place of a search engine. Instead of typing a question into a search engine, type it into a chatbot. This will get you practice in learning what it provides and how to prompt it with the right questions.

Microsoft's,, and Google (coming soon) are some that have a search engine and a chatbot side by side.


Say that you would like make dinner, but you aren't sure what to make. Using your favorite chatbot, ask it for ideas for something to make for dinner.

Ask it something like “I would like to make a meal for 4 people that includes the following ingredients: broccoli, spinach, chicken, and rice.” Or add or remove more ingredients, or be more specific like if you want a hot or cold dish, if you want specific spices, etc. The more specific you are, the better the answers will be.

Writing emails

Have a difficult email to write or need to have a very professional communication? Try putting it into a chatbot and asking it to write the email more professionally. Or in a specific tone you are looking for.

Add-ons are coming or may already be available, that will help you with emails. Google may have this capability built directly into Gmail in the near future.

Summarizing articles

Ask the chatbot to summarize and article.

Say “Summarize the following article: ” Then paste the article into the field.

Note: If the article is online, you likely won't be able to paste in the web address of the article because most chatbots are not hooked up to the live internet.

You may want to start with a short enough article because there character limits on how much you can paste in. If you do paste a longer one in, you may need to let it know you will be pasting a longer article in.

Say something like “Summarize the following article, I will provide it in multiple messages and let you know when I am done.” Then paste in the article in multiple pieces. At the end, say “I am done, that is the entire article.” or something similar to this. Always try different phrases out to see which one works the best.

You can also ask the chatbot how to do this! Like “I have an article I want you to summarize, how can I provide it to you?”

Creating an Account

Most AI chatbots ask you to create an account. Each one is different, so follow their steps for doing so. Each service has different privacy rules, so be sure to read those as well. Some may keep records of your chats, which you can use later as reference. Some may require a price to use their service.

Integration with different platforms

There are many plugins, add-ons, and integrations with different online services such as web browsers, social media, apps, and more. Find out if your favorite platform has an integration, which may help you decide which chatbot service to use and how.

There are millions of people already using chatbots through various cell phone apps.


Some chatbot services have settings that allow you to personalize your experience and the types of responses you get. There are sometimes settings such as changing the randomness of the response, providing different tones, how long of a response, etc. etc.


Click here to go to the next section about prompts.

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